International Journal of Research in Education and Social Science (IJRESS) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by Paradigm Research Consultancy & Publications (PRCP), Pakistan. The journal publishes research manuscripts related to the field of social science.
Last Date of Paper Submission: March 15, 2025
Date of Publication: March 31, 2025
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The aim of the journal is to provide opportunities for researchers and scholars to publish their quality research work so that they can share it with the international community of researchers in the field of social sciences.
The journal welcomes original articles, empirical studies, case studies, book reviews and any innovative ideas and/ or methodology in social science disciplines including but not limited to economics, education, sociology, political science, psychology, and management sciences.
Dr. Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmad Mirza
Government Associate College, Chawinda,
Higher Education Department,
Government of the Punjab,
Managing Editor
Dr. Ejaz Ahmad Mirza
Regional Facilitator (Coordinator) for ISA, CC, Trainings
Gujranwala Region, Pakistan.
Associate Editors
Dr. Namra Munir, Assistant Professor, University of Education, Vehari Campus, Pakistan.
Dr. Imtiaz Hussain, Assistant Professor, Higher Education Department, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan.
Dr. Sonia Rafique, Headmistress, MLW Girls High School, Dendot, Punjab, Pakistan.
Dr. Rodica Ghinescu, Professor of Psychology, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, USA.
Dr. Pierre Du Plessis, Associate Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Dr. Usman Khalil, Associate Professor, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Associate Professor, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan.
Dr. Zahid Yaseen, Associate Professor, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan.
Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Ali Saleemi, Associate Professor, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan.
Dr. Mubeen-ul-Islam, Assistant Professor, University of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Dr. Syed A. Waheed, Assistant Professor, University of Okara, Pakistan.
Dr. Humaira Dar, Assistant Professor, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan.
Dr. Nazreen Dasoo, Senior Lecturer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Dr. Thomas Kipkorir Ronoh, Senior Lecturer, Egerton University, Kenya.
Dr. Kennedy N. Gitange, Lecturer, Kisii University, Kenya.
All authors must adhere to research ethics in conducting and reporting their research. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure and ascertain that the work is original and free of plagiarism. Also, authors have a responsibility to disclose conflicts of interest, if any, to the editorial office as soon as possible.
Authors are advised to follow the following guidelines for the preparation of their manuscripts:
(1). The manuscript must be written in English language (British or American) and should not be more than 4000 words.
(2). Title of the article should be concise and precise not exceeding 20 words.
(3). Author (s) name with organizational affiliation and e-mail of corresponding author should be included at appropriate place as per the template.
(4). The abstract should not exceed 150 words indicating purpose of the research, methods used, conclusions and recommendations. Add keywords at the end of the abstract.
(5). Main body of the article should contain the following: (a) Introduction (b) Literature review (c) Methodology (d) Results and interpretation (d) Discussion (e) Acknowledgment/any declaration (f) References/ Bibliography
(6). Add tables and figures at appropriate place in the text. Tables and figures should be aligned centrally.
(7). For writing normal text (other than headings), keep in mind the following points: (a) Margin -- left side 1.5 inch and all other sides 1 inch , (b) Line spacing -- 1.5 , (c) Font style -- times new roman, (d) Font size -- 12, (e) Text alignment -- justified.
(8). Justify all the headings at left. Allot numbers to the main headings (times new roman, font size 16 and bold) as 1, 2, 3 ... and sub-headings (times new roman, font size 12 and bold) as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ...; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3...; 3.1,3.2, 3.3 ... and so on. Subsequent headings (times new roman, font size 12 and bold) should be numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 ...; 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 ...; 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 ... and so on.
(9). Citations and References should be written in APA Format (7th Edition).
(10). For any other decision pertaining to preparation of research manuscript consult APA Format (7th Edition).
All the researchers are advised to read and follow guidelines for authors in preparing their research manuscripts. Submit research manuscripts in Microsoft word document electronically at All submitted articles are acknowledged by the managing editor through e-mail.
Before submission of manuscript to this journal, please ensure following criteria:
1. The article has been written in English language.
2. The article is within the scope of the journal.
3. The article is in Microsoft word file.
4. The article is original work and is free of plagiarism.
5. The article has not been published previously; and neither is under review elsewhere and nor will be submitted to any other journal during review process.
IJRESS is a double blind peer-review journal. The managing editor reviews the submitted articles for relevance to the format and scope of the journal. If the article is found relevant, it is sent to one of the associate editors. The assigned associate editor arranges at least two potential reviewers (one national, one international) for blind review. The reviewers give their comments and recommend the article as accepted, accepted subject to minor change, accepted subject to major change, or rejected. Conversely, if the article is found to be irrelevant to the format and scope of the journal, it is at once returned to the author with a note by managing editor.
In case reviewers accept the article, the assigned associate editor forward the article along with reviewers' comments to the Editor-in-Chief. Editor-in-Chief reviews the article along with reviewers' comments, and takes final decision for publication. If the article is accepted for publication by the Editor-in-Chief, it is published. Conversely, the article is returned, with comments from reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief, to the corresponding author for improvement and re-submission.
The reviewers must be impartial and confidential in the performance of their duties as well as neutral and fair in their decisions. Moreover, it is not allowed for the reviewers to share manuscript with others or use it for their own benefit. Conflict of interest, if any, must be reported to the editorial office in a timely manner.
To evaluate an article look for the following criteria:
1. Appropriateness of the title
2. Purpose of the research/ statement of the problem
3. Research questions and/or hypotheses
4. Limitations and/ or delimitations
5. Well discussed literature review
6. Theoretical framework
7. Well explained research methodology
8. Presentation of results: Tables, graphs, interpretations, etc.
9. Discussion with latest citations
10. Conclusion & recommendations
11. List of references/ bibliography
Accepted articles are published online. A publication fee (excluding transaction charges) is charged by the author (s) in order to meet publishing and operating costs (website holding and other management costs).
Publication Fee (excluding transaction charges) for Foreign Author (s) is
USD 150
Publication Fee (excluding transaction charges) for Indigenous Author (s) is
PKR 10000
On final acceptance of the article, the payment method is communicated by the publisher to the corresponding author. On receipt of the publication fee, article is published online.
The rights of the article/paper/ manuscript retained with the author (s). However, corresponding author grants copyrights to "Paradigm Research Consultancy and Publications (PRCP)" for publication of manuscript in "International Journal of Research in Education and Social Science (IJRESS)" or any of its future publications (e.g., journals, books, etc.).
This journal follows ethical guidelines published by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan.
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